ETIP Bioenergy - SABS    
ETIP Bioenergy 8th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting

What is the contribution of biofuels to achieve the 2 degree target of the international climate policy?

There is a global agreement to combat fossil carbon emissions and keep global temperature increase below 2 degree C. Each economic sector needs to take its share in this. Transport represents almost one quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions; these have been less declining than in other sectors.

Biofuels are one of the key options under discussion to decarbonise the transport sector, with other alternatives gaining importance recently. The Impact Assessment of the EC in preparation of RED2 (Brussels, 30.11.2016 SWD (2016) 418 final PART 1/4, p. 36) shows the contribution required from biofuels. Modelling looking at options to achieve the 2030 climate and energy targets for the EU, indicates the share of biofuels in transports is projected to increase up to 7.8% of total transport energy demand by 2030 (from 3.7% in 2010). Beyond 2030, modelling suggests the share of biofuels in liquid and gaseous transport fuels will need to increase significantly further, reaching around 46 % by 2050 (equal to 36-37% of total transport energy demand when electromobility is included). In particular, biofuels are required to decarbonize the heavy duty, waterborne transport and aviation sectors.

However, last years’ debates about 1st and 2nd generation biofuels, fuels vs food, ILUC and sustainability created a period of uncertainty and abide for industry involved in the biofuels sector. For biofuels to be part of the solution, it will be crucial to address sustainability issues adequately.

The conference will give a status review of R&I within the biofuels sector. It will also discuss how various political decisions impact the sector and finally the conference will put biofuels in comparison with some key alternatives. What type of impacts do the various alternatives have in a “well to wheel” perspective? This will be discussed with representatives of the key industrial sectors involved.


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ETIP Bioenergy is a wide and open forum, therefore stakeholders are welcome from all parties involved with the development of sustainable bioenergy: agricultural & forest products producers and common interest groups, industry and industry associations, research and technology organisations, academia, governmental bodies, civil society, the general public.

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  • Get connected to stakeholders from around Europe engaged in bioenergy-based solutions and biofuels

  • Actively influence the development of biofuels and bioenergy in Europe

  • Learn about best practices regarding market implementation, commercialization and deployment of new technologies

This newsletter is produced on behalf of the ETIP Bioenergy by the ETIP Bioenergy-SABS project team, funded under Horizon 2020. The broad aim of ETIP Bioenergy-SABS is to enhance communications and networking among Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders from research, industry, government, NGOs, feedstocks production, end use and related areas in all European countries. The contents of this newsletter are copyright © ETIP Bioenergy-SABS 2017-2018

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727509

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