Mission Statement

The mission of the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) is to contribute to the development of cost-competitive, world-class biofuels technologies, to the creation of a healthy biofuels industry and to accelerate the deployment of sustainable biofuels in the European Union through a process of guidance, prioritisation and promotion of research, technology development and industrial demonstration.

1. Editorial

The EBTP welcomes the recent conclusion to the ongoing debate on the ILUC Directive following agreement by the European Parliament and the Council. The cap on conventional biofuels of 7% is a political compromise, and for investor confidence to be restored a robust biofuels policy needs to be formulated up to 2030 and beyond. The concensus position of the EBTP is that the non-binding and double counted advanced biofuels target of 0.5% is perhaps not ambitious enough to foster the deployment of advanced biofuels by 2020.

The decision to maintain dedicated non-food energy crops is welcomed; improving feedstock sustainability, availability, and production costs is crucial to the deployment of advanced biofuels facilities. The continued production of low-impact conventional biofuels is also vital.

Sustainable biofuel technologies have a key role to play in an energy-efficient, decarbonised transport sector in Europe providing reduced GHG emissions and energy dependency.

The EBTP welcomes support for advanced biofuels projects under Horizon 2020 and the announcement of the InnovFin Energy Demonstration Projects (EDP) facility, a new mechanism from the EIB and EC providing support for investment in innovative demo and flagship energy projects.

The EBTP continues to be involved in shaping EC RTD and transport strategy via activities such as the update to the Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda for Biofuels in Europe and membership of new initiatives such as the Sustainable Transport Forum.

Progress continues to be made in demonstration of advanced biofuels with recent announcements made on cellulosic ethanol, fast pyrolysis, HVO, waste-to-ethanol, and biojet fuels projects.

Several workshops and conferences are planned for the coming months covering the state-of-the-art in a diversity of topics from microbial hydrocarbon production and lignocellulosic ethanol to sustainability and policy. A date will soon be announced for the 7th EBTP Stakeholder Plenary Meeting SPM7, which will take place in Brussels in the first quarter of 2016. Meanwhile, the EBTP will continue to work closely with the EC and stakeholders in all Member States to accelerate the deployment of innovative, sustainable biofuels technologies.

Secretariat of the European Biofuels Technology Platform


2. EU Legislation & Activities

ILUC Directive – Key Points

On 28 April 2015, the European Parliament and the Council finally agreed on the ILUC Directive, a legislative text that limits the way Member States can meet the target of 10% for renewables in transport fuels by 2020, bringing to an end a debate which had been ongoing since October 2012.

Key elements of the draft EU Directive:

The contribution of biofuels produced from 'food' crops (to the 10 % renewables in transport target) is capped at 7%

The other 3% will come from a variety of multiple counted alternatives:

  • Biofuels from Used Cooking Oil and Animal Fats (double counted)
  • Renewable electricity in rail (counted 2.5 times)
  • Renewable electricity in electric vehicles (counted 5 times)
  • Advanced biofuels (double counted and with an indicative 0.5% sub-target)
  • The agreement also includes the reporting and publishing of data on ILUC-related emissions at both national and European level.

Member States have to transpose the directive into national legislation within 24 months after the publication the Official Journal. See:

The final version of the political compromise on the Directive (2015)

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (first reading) - Political agreement

Original EC Proposal to amend RED and FQD (2012)

EBTP Position on European Parliament decision on 'ILUC Directive'

The European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) appreciates that the on-going debate about the biofuels legislation through the RED and FQD review is settled for now; this debate has caused many uncertainties and blocked many investment decisions for the past three years. However EBTP would like to comment on key elements of the final legislation:

1) The non-binding and double counted advanced biofuels target of 0.5% is not ambitious enough to foster the deployment of advanced biofuels. Member States have options to go below 0.5% and experience in the EU demonstrates that indicative targets are usually not achieved. A European wide and binding sub target is the most effective way to support innovative pathways. Innovative pathways are based on technologies with a high implementation potential and high well-to-wheel energy efficiency, but also high upfront development and demonstration costs, since they are not yet widely commercially available. By securing market demand, investments can be made in deployment.

2) The EBTP is in favour of the decision to maintain dedicated energy crops or the so-called “grassy energy crops with a low starch content” among the advanced biofuels feedstocks list. Dedicated energy crops provide best land-use efficiency, can be grown also on marginal or degraded land and are able to create additional income for farmers.

The cap of 7% on the contribution of biofuels from food crops is a political compromise that affects the healthy sustainable conventional biofuels industry in Europe. The vision for advanced biofuels industrialisation is related to the existing conventional biofuels industry where technical, operational and financial synergies exist with advanced innovative pathways. Capping all conventional biofuels without distinction is not providing the sector with reassurances that policy-makers can define objective and evidence-based biofuels policy in the future. However, the recognition of the concept of low ILUC risk conventional biofuels is a positive signal.

The final ILUC directive is a first step towards a stable and consistent framework for biofuels in Europe. However it is urgent to define a new biofuel policy post 2020. A coherent European approach on the development and implementation of legislation, policies, projects and programmes in the field of alternative transport fuels, contributing towards an energy-efficient, decarbonised transport sector is needed in order to address the key challenges faced by the transport sector in Europe in terms of GHG emissions and energy dependency. Sustainable biofuel technologies have a key role to play in addressing these challenges.

The EBTP welcomes the announcement of the InnovFin Energy Demonstration Projects (EDP) facility (see below) by the EC and the European Investment Bank, and the support for advanced biofuels demonstration under the Horizon2020 programme.

Sustainable Transport Forum

The EC Directorate for Mobility and Transport has established a Sustainable Transport Forum (STF). Following a call for applications, the EBTP has been confirmed as one of the participant organisations. The STF envisages in particular to:

1.provide advice and technical expertise to the Commission on the development and implementation of legislation, policies, projects and programmes in the field of alternative transport fuels and contribute towards an energy-efficient, decarbonised transport sector.

2.facilitate exchanges of information on initiatives, projects and partnerships dealing with alternative transport fuels;

3.deliver opinions, submit reports, or develop and propose innovative solutions to the Commission, either at the latter's request or on its own initiative, on any matter of relevance to the promotion of alternative transport fuels in the Union.

The STF should help the Commission to advance the application of the Clean Power for Transport strategy and facilitate the implementation of Directive 2014/94/EU. It shall assist the Commission in implementing the Union’s activities and programmes aimed at fostering the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure to contribute to the European Union energy and climate goals.

Renewable Energy Progress Report

Presented on 16 June, the European Commission's renewable energy progress report reveals that 25 EU countries are expected to meet their 2013/2014 interim renewable energy targets. In 2014, the projected share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption is 15.3%. Findings from the report in 2015 include:

  • 25 EU countries are expected to meet their 2013/2014 interim renewable energy targets;
  • In 2014, the projected share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption is 15.3%;
  • The EU's 2020 renewables target has resulted in around 326 Mt of avoided CO2 emissions in 2012, rising to 388 Mt in 2013;
  • It has also led to a reduction in the EU's demand for fossil fuels to the tune of 116 Mtoe (2013 figure);
  • The 2014 projected share of renewable energy in transport is 5.7% meaning that achieving the target will be challenging but feasible, with some EU countries making good progress.

"The report shows once again that Europe is good at renewables, and that renewables are good for Europe. We have three times more renewable power per capita in Europe than anywhere else in the rest of the world. We have more than one million people working in a renewable energy sector worth over €130 bn a year and we export €35 bn worth of renewables every year," Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, said.

View EC report and national progress reports

3. InnovFin Energy Demonstration Projects (EDP) facility

In June 2015, the EC and the European Investment Bank launched the InnovFin Energy Demo Projects (EDP) Facility, which enables the EIB to finance innovative first-of-a-kind demonstration projects in the field of renewable energy and hydrogen/fuel cells. The EIB provides loans between EUR 7.5m and EUR 75m.

InnovFin – EU Finance for Innovators is a joint initiative by the EIB Group and the European Commission under Horizon 2020, the EU framework for research and innovation ("R&I") 2014-2020. InnovFin builds on the success of the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility developed under the seventh EU framework for research and technological development (FP7), which for the period 2007-2013 financed 114 R&I projects of EUR 11.3bn and provided loan guarantees for another EUR 1.4bn.

The new facility will support cutting-edge energy technology projects that may otherwise not be bankable during their pre-commercial stage, covering the higher risk faced during the construction and initial operating stages. Specifically, InnovFin Energy Demo Projects will provide loans to first-of-a-kind commercial-scale industrial demonstration projects in the fields of renewable energy and hydrogen and fuel cells, helping to bridge the gap from demonstration to commercialisation and contributing to the broader objectives of the Energy Union and the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan.

4. EBTP Activities

The 35th Steering Committee meeting of EBTP was held in Brussels on 9 June 2015, kindly hosted by the Novozymes EU Office. The meeting was attended by 16 SC members, 6 members of the EBTP Secretariat/EBTP-SABS team and and 3 representatives of the EC.

New members of the committee include Niels Henriksen, DONG Energy, and Claus Crone Fuglsang, Novozymes.

EBTP Working Groups have been meeting in recent weeks to draft the update to the Strategic Research and Innovation and Deployment Agenda for European Biofuels.

EBTP WG2 has also contributed comments and suggestions to a draft Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels (EGFTF) report.

EBTP's application to become a member of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) has been accepted by DG Move.

In May 2015, EBTP WG1 held a joint workshop with the International Biomass Torrefaction Council, and the Renewable Heating & Cooling European Technology Platform, presenting the state of the art on thermally treated biomass in Europe, and looking forward at how technology and markets can be developed to 2030 and beyond. The workshop was organised in association with the AEBIOM European Bioenergy Conference, which kindly provided the workshop facilities and event management.

EBTP-SABS held its mid-term project meeting on 8th June 2015, and is pleased to announce that the technical content of the project has been approved. The project will continue into 2016, with activities including:

  • Profiles on individual countries – main policies & advanced bioenergy/biofuels initiatives, stakeholders, RTD and demonstrations;
  • 7th EBTP Stakeholder Plenary Meeting SPM7 – scheduled for the first quarter of 2016;
  • Support for update of the Strategic Research and Innovation and Deployment Agenda for European Biofuels;
  • Continued collation and dissemination of information on advanced biofuels RTD, demonstrations, stakeholders, publications, etc.


5. Horizon 2020 Advanced Biofuels Projects Announced

Several projects covering advanced biofuels technology and related areas have been selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 Programme. Examples include:


The purpose of the 2G BIOPIC project - Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions - is to demonstrate the performance, reliability and sustainability of the whole value chain of production of bioethanol from agricultural residues and wood. 2G BIOPIC (2015-2018) aims to design, construct and optimize a second generation (2G) demonstration plant with a capacity of 1 T of biomass/h. This 2G plant is based on the scale-up and optimization of bioethanol production from an already validated pilot plan scale (50Kg/h) achieved in a previous project (FP7 BIOCORE).


Green Biologics is coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project ButaNext (2015 - 2018). The aims include:
(1) novel low CAPEX two-step pretreatment process that releases hemicellulose and cellulose from recalcitrant feedstocks for further enzymatic and/or fermentation processing;
(2) new tailored enzyme cocktail yielding highly fermentable sugars at low enzyme dosages and lower cost;
(3) superior clostridial strains with enhanced production characteristics i.e. butanol and inhibitor tolerance;
(4) high productivity fermentation process including a novel in-situ product recovery step.


PHOTFUEL - Biocatalytic solar fuels for sustainable mobility in Europe (2015-2019) - aims to demonstrate technology for producing drop-in hydrocarbon fuel components excreted direcly by microbial fuel cells using sunlight, CO2 and water. The project is coordinated by Volkswagen AG.


The Horizon2020 STEELANOL project (2015-2018) is based on producing bioethanol via an innovative gas fermentation process using exhaust gases emitted by the steel industry. The project is coordinated by Arcelormittal Belgium NV.


The BIOSURF consortium consists of 11 partners from 7 countries and strives to increase the production and use of biomethane (from animal waste, other waste materials and sustainable biomass), for grid injection and as transport fuel, by removing non-technical barriers and by paving the way towards a European biomethane market.

6. BBI PPP Call for Proposals

A €100 Bio-based Industries PPP call under Horizon 2020 H2020-BBI-PPP-2015-1-1 opened on 19th May 2105 and closes on 15 September 2015 under the Societal Challenges Pillar.

Further information about the submission process

See also BBI Calls for Proposals web page

The first ten projects of the last BBI call have been released. The funded projects will cover research into specific bio-based materials with potential to replace fossil fuels and materials based on them. They also include an industrial-scale flagship project that will use oil crops such as cardoon, grown on arid and marginal lands, for the extraction of vegetable oils. These will then be converted into bio-products such as biolubricants, cosmetics, and bioplastics, and by-products from the process will be used to produce energy, animal feed and chemicals.


7. News from Advanced Biofuels Demonstrations

Hundreds of RTD and demonstration items are included on the information pages of the EBTP website, with regular updates made under each technology topic. Please send your latest project news to info@ebtp-sabs.eu. Examples of recent additions are included below.

Empyro pyrolysis plant opens in the Netherlands

On 20 May 2015, BTG - Biomass Technology Group BV announced the opening of the Empyro 25 MWth polygeneration pyrolysis plant to produce electricity, process steam and fuel oil from woody biomass. Construction of the plant in Hengelo, Netherlands started in early 2014. Empyro BV is jointly owned by BTG BioLiquids, Tree Power, the province of Overijssel and a private investor. The project has been supported by the EC under FP7.


Updates on fast pyrolysis are included on the PyroKnown website, which is dedicated to sharing knowledge and learning about biomass fast pyrolysis. See PyroWiki, PyroWebinar, PyroMovies, PyroLearn

COMETHA Project - Industrial scale pre-commercial plant, Porto Marghera, Italy

COMETHA (2014-2018), supported by FP7, involves the construction and operation of an integrated industrial facility for the production of second generation bioethanol and other co-products from lignocellulosic feedstock. The project builds upon the technology and processes demonstrated by BioChemtex at Crescentino. Innovations include:

  • Proprietary biomass pre-treatment unit;
  • SSCF technology for the simultaneous saccharification of cellulose and hemicellulose and co-fermentation of glucose and pentose, with the use of novel high-performance enzymes;
  • High-efficiency integrated distillation and dehydration system;
  • Optimisation of feedstocks including dedicated perennial crops (Arundo donax) and agricultural residues
  • Detailed life cycle assessment

In March 2015, COMETHA signed a cooperation agreement with the Italian CTN LIDIA Project on conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks into dicarboxylic acids for chemicals and polymers.

FP7 SUNLIQUID Project to develop a large-scale cellulosic ethanol demonstration plant

Planned development of a large-scale demonstration plan (~€225 million) is partly supported by the EC FP7 SUNLIQUID Project (€23 million) 2014-2018, including participants from Austria, Germany and Hungary, with Clariant as the Coordinator. Clariant (formerly Süd-Chemie), headquartered in Switzerland, has developed the sunliquid® process for the production of cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues.

Total La Mède Biorefinery, France

In April 2015, Total S.A. announced an investment of €200m to convert the La Mède oil refinery in southern France to a biorefinery producing renewable diesel from UCO and other feedstocks.

ST1 Etanolix Bakery Waste to Ethanol plant

St1 Biofuels Oy's first Etanolix ethanol plant was inaugurated on 5 June 2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The 5 million litres per year ethanol plant, which was delivered to North European Bio Tech Oy (NEB), converts bio-waste and process residues from local bakeries and bread from shops into ethanol.


A new version of BioJetMap was recently launched. The BioJetMap is a Biokerosene flight database and web application initiated in 2012, and further developed under the HBBA study project. The scope is global and historical. Its time-enabling traces the evolution of the aviation biofuels sector through successive demonstration, test and commercial flights. Its sortable tabular indexes enable exploration by feedstock, biofuel, and airline.

8. Biofuels Events 2015

Workshop: Study on actual GHG data for diesel, petrol, kerosene
and natural gas
8 July 2015, Brussels, Belgium

The sustainability criteria for biofuels are based on the GHG calculations undertaken by the JRC- ACEA-Concawe work. The GHG data for the biofuels are compared to diesel and petrol. Although real and actual data are used for biofuels with a significant range of values and with maximum and minimum points these are compared only to average singular points for diesel or petrol. No detailed information has been provided on how these average singular points have been determined and on which specific data they are based. In order to have a transparent comparison between biofuels and fossil fuels it is necessary to determine the actual GHG emission from diesel and petrol by comparing the GHG from oil and gas originating from various geographical areas and different types of operations taking into account other environmental concerns wherever appropriate.

A questionnaire was sent out to stakeholders and EXERGIA, the consortium coordinator, received 114 submissions. On 28 November, 2014, DG ENER organised a workshop where the contractors presented the results of a literature survey and their basic modelling structures and approach.

DG ENER is organising the final workshop of this tender contract on 8 July 2015 during which the results of the project and the analysis of the questionnaire will be presented and discussed with stakeholders.

If you wish to attend the workshop, please complete the Registration Form

Renewable Carbon Sources processing to fuels and chemicals
Brussels, Belgium, 9-10 July 2015

This wokshop is organised by the Directorate General for Energy, and the Mission of Canada to the EU, and aims to strengthen the cooperation and collaboration amongst institutions and organisations of Canada and the EU.

The programme has been designed to have "mirror" presentations from Canadian and European institutions from the research community and the industry. A brokerage and networking event is scheduled in the afternoon of July 10 in view of strengthening effective cooperation.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Sustainable Feedstock availability in the EU and Canada
  • Gasification – Reactor design, downstream processing and scaling up
  • Pyrolysis - Reactor design, downstream processing and scaling up
  • Aviation Biofuels
  • Biochemical processing
  • Sustainable biochemicals and bioproducts

Invitation letter

View draft agenda

5th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol, 5ICLE
Brussels, Belgium, 15-17 September 2015

The 5th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol, 5ICLE is organised this year by DuPont  and the European Commission Directorate General for Energy. Stakeholders in the cellulosic ethanol community are invited to submit abstracts to Kyriakos.Maniatis@ec.europa.eu.

The event will include a vist to DuPont's enzyme plant in Bruges (at the time of the historic city's Triennale cultural exhibition). Sponsors include DuPont, Inbicon, BioChemtex, Clariant, Novozymes, Leaf Technologies, DSM, and ePure.

Registration page

Drop-In Biofuels - International Conference on Microbial
Hydrocarbon Production
Frankfurt, Germany, 25-27 October 2015

The goal of the joint expert symposium in Frankfurt/Main is to depict the current development status of the “Production of liquid hydrocarbons on the basis of renewable resources for the use as biofuels” and to discuss the further potentials of developing these processes with international experts. The symposium will present approaches for a better exploitation of feedstocks, as well as potential products, pathways, industrial hosts for a biotechnological production of hydrocarbons. Alternative routes to hydrocarbons and performance tests of potential bioderived fuels will be discussed. An industrial session where international companies present their activities will complete the programme, which will also be accompanied by a scientific poster exhibition to present recent research approaches and project results.

Visit conference website

A call for poster presentations is open. Abstracts of the proposed poster presentation can be submitted until 31st August 2015

IEA Bioenergy Conference 2015
Berlin, Germany, 27-29 October 2015

The 2015 Conference will provide stakeholders from industry, academia and policy with an insight into recent research and market developments in bioenergy. All topics covered by IEA Bioenergy and by partner organisations like FAO, GBEP and UNDP will be addressed. A special section is dedicated to industrial developments and applications.

View conference website

Other Biofuels and Bioenergy Events for Summer/Autumn 2015

25-27 August 2015
International Congress and Expo on Biofuels and Bioenergy
Valencia, Spain

16-17 September 2015
European Biomass to Power,
Berlin, Germany

21-22 September 2015
SET Plan Conference 2015 - Research, Innovation and Competitiveness for the Energy Union
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

22-24 September 2015
8th Biofuels International Conference
Porto, Portugal

21-23 October 2015
The International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Exhibition and Asian Bioenergy Conference 2015
Shanghai, China

21-23 October 2015
Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy Innovative Methods and Solutions for the Agriculture and Forest Sectors
Barcelona, Spain

18-19 January 2016
Fuels of the Future - 13th International Biofuel Conference,
Berlin, Germany

9. Reports & Presentations on Advanced Biofuels and Related Topics

Links to a number of new biofuels reports have been added to the EBTP Reports Database. Links to biofuels presentations are also included on relevant pages of the EBTP website. Recent examples include:

EU Renewable Energy Progress Report 2015
European Commission

UFOP Online Publications on Biofuels Policy, GHG Balances and Biodiesel

From the Sugar Platform to biofuels and biochemicals
E4Tech, RE-CORD and WUR for the European Commission Directorate-General Energy (ENER/C2/423 – 2012/SI2.673791)

Opening routes for renewables in the transport sector
Renewable Energies Agency, Germany

Bioenergy & Sustainability: bridging the gaps
Edited by Glaucia Mendes Souza et al, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil,

Renewable energy in Europe - approximated recent growth and knock-on effects
EEA (European Environment Agency)

Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels Reports on the Energy Community portal

High Biofuel Blends in Aviation (HBBA)
Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut fur Werk-und Betriebsstoffe

High Biofuel Blends in Aviation (HBBA) Study and BioJetMap Workshop
EC Workshop, Various presentations

Reports from the iLUC Prevention Project
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University of Utrecht,

Technical and bio-business journals

The EBTP reports database also includes links to a number of journals and e-publications (just select “Journals” from the drop-down options box):

  • Biotechnology for Biofuels
  • Biodiesel Magazine
  • Bioenergy Research
  • Biofpr - Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
  • Bioenergy Insight
  • Bioenergy International
  • The Crop Site - Bioenergy News and Reports
  • Biofuels (Future Science)
  • Biofuels Digest
  • Biofuels Journal
  • Biofuels International
  • Biomass Magazine
  • Ethanol Market
  • Ethanol Producer Magazine
  • European Energy Innovation
  • AMF Implementing Agreement for Advanced Biofuels Newsletters
  • IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (formerly PyNe) Newsletters
  • Commercializing Conventional and Advanced Liquid Biofuels from Biomass: Newsletters
  • Energy, Sustainability and Society
  • Landbauforschung Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research
  • Industrial Bioechnology
  • Gas2 Magazine
  • Green Air Online
  • Horizon - the EC Research and Innovation magazine
  • International Journal of Renewable Energy and Biofuels
  • Oil and Gas Journal
  • Teru Talk
  • Energy Compass
  • Oil Market Intelligence
  • Jet Fuel Intelligence
  • Energy Intelligence Briefing
  • World Gas Intelligence
  • EI New Energy
  • Downstream Energy
  • Energy Business
  • Energy Markets
  • Energy Politics

10. Recent Newsletters from other biofuels and bioenergy organisations, and the EC

IEA AMFI Newsletter for April 2015

The latest Newsletter (#39) from IEA Bioenergy Task 39 features a country update from Denmark, an update on Task 39’s ongoing work, and a short summary of other relevant news.

Horizon Magazine - The EU Research and Innovation Magazine

DG Mobility and Transport Newsletters

The latest monthly newsletters from the European Biogas Association are available online. THE EBA has recently announced a new Mission and Vision with a greater focus on gasification technology: “Thermal gasification is a complementary technology to anaerobic digestion (AD) and it greatly amplifies the potential of renewable energy in the form of heat, electricity and vehicle fuel.”



This newsletter is produced on behalf of the EBTP by the EBTP-SABS project team, funded under FP7. The broad aim of EBTP-SABS is to enhance communciations and networking among Advanced Biofuels Stakeholders from research, industry, government, NGOs, feedstocks production, end use and related areas in all European countries.

The contents of this newsletter are copyright © EBTP-SABS 2015

Important Disclaimer
The content of this newsletter cannot be considered as the European Commission’s official position and neither the European Commission, EBTP-SABS, EBTP nor any person acting on
behalf of these organisation is responsible for the use which might be made of it. Although EBTP-SABS endeavours to deliver a high level of service, no guarantee can be given on the correctness or completeness of the content of this newsletter and neither the European Commission, EBTP nor EBTP-SABS are responsible or may be held accountable for any loss suffered as a result of reliance upon the content of this newsletter.