Training Opportunities
This page contains an updated list of bachelor programmes, master programmes, PhD programmes and other trainig opportunities in the advanced biofuels and bioenergy sectors. Find the upcoming opportunities in the list below or search through our database.
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Results 51 - 60 of 171
Date | Name & Description | Country | Type |
This degree programme in ICT, Bioeconomy will equip you as an engineer with the knowledge and skills that put your sustainable …
Finland |
Bachelor programme |
Sustainable Technologies education is meant for individuals working with industrial R&D activities or someone who is willing …
Finland |
Master programme |
You will gain competences in developing the bioenergy business, expand your views on sustainable development and management, …
Finland |
Master programme |
During the studies, you will learn how different feedstock can be converted to electricity and heat and what requirements …
Finland |
Master programme |
The Post Master is aimed at a student or professional public, French or foreign - already holding a master's degree, an engineering …
France |
Training Course |
Since 2005, the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering offers international courses on gasification, …
Germany |
Training Course |
The Master's program conveys understanding of crop science, engineering, and economics. For example, the students learn to …
Germany |
Training Course |
Um künftigen Generationen eine lebenswerte Grundlage zu bieten, sind Fragen der Versorgungssicherheit und Verfügbarkeit …
Germany |
Master programme |
"Als Studentin oder Student in diesem Master lernen Sie die gesamte Prozesskette vom Anbau, Ernte und Bereitstellung der …
Germany |
Master programme |
Fossile Rohstoffe und Energieträger sind endlich. Zu-dem steht außer Frage, dass sich ihre Nutzung negativ …
Germany |
Bachelor programme |
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Results 51 - 60 of 171