Consultations on biofuels, sustainability and energy strategy

European Biofuels Technology Platform - Public and Stakeholder Consultation Questionnaire

Consultation Period: 17 August 2016 - 30 September 2016

This questionnaire was intended to allow stakeholders and the interested public to give feedback on the European Biofuels Technology Platform.

The feedbacks have been included in the final report for the EBTP-SABS project and gave input into the activities of the EBTP-SABS successor European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) Bioenergy (see EBTP Newsletter #24 for further information).

European Biofuels Technology Platform - Public and Stakeholder Consultation Questionnaire for the SRIA

Consultation Period: 24 March 2016 to 24 April 2016
This questionnaire was intended to allow stakeholders and the interested public to give feedback on the draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
Thank you to all who contributed by completing the consultation questionnaire.
Your feedback had been taken into account to prepare the final version of the SRIA which was released at the 7th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting in Brussels on 21 June 2016.
The complete SRIA can be found here.

EC Consultation: Preparation of a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020

Consultation Period: 10 February 2016 to 10 May 2016

The objective of this survey is to consult stakeholders and citizens on an updated EU policy on sustainable bioenergy for the period 2020-2030, as part of the EU renewable energy package foreseen before the end of 2016.

View background details and important information about the consultation on a sustainable bioenergy policy for the period after 2020

You are invited to submit your response by following this link

EC Consultation: Open public online consultation on the development of a comprehensive, integrated Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy for the European Union

Consultation Period: 04 March 2016 to 31 May 2016

The objective of this public consultation is to collect the opinions of stakeholders and interested parties, including EU citizens and private and public organisations, with regard to the development of a comprehensive research, innovation and competitiveness strategy for the Energy Union, as the fifth pillar of the Energy Union.

This aspect is particularly important given the objective to drastically reduce EU’s emissions and use of energy, while at the same time maintaining the competitiveness of economic sectors including energy and transport but also industry, agriculture/bioeconomy and construction, and providing modern, user-friendly, safe, sustainable and secure solutions to EU citizens and businesses. In this sense, this strategy will provide an important element to contribute from the EU perspective to the Paris Agreement achieved on last 12 December 2015 as the outcome of Conference of Parties (COP21) under the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention: (505 KB)

An overarching Integrated Energy Union Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Strategy is essential in order to ensure that the overall goals are not lost in the trade-offs between the individual sectors.

You are invited to submit your response by following this link

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