European Energy Research Alliance Bioenergy Joint Programme (EERA Bioenergy JP)
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) brings together more than 250 research organisations and around 50,000 researchers from 30 countries, who are involved in 17 Joint Programmes (JPs). In a Joint Programme a research organisation joins institutions in other European countries to work on shared priority setting and research projects. The EERA plays an important role in promoting coordination among energy researchers along the SET Plan objectives and in the technology transfer to the industry. In particular, EERA’s mission is to catalyse European energy research for achieving the Paris Agreement targets.
The overall objective of the EERA Bioenergy Joint Programme is to align pre-competitive research activities at EERA institutes to give a technical-scientific basis to further develop the next generation biofuels routes and to explore the possibilities for joint technology development. The more efficient use of R&D investments that this Joint Programme foresees, contributes to an acceleration of the development of next-generation conversion technologies. The JP Bioenergy is coordinated by Andrea MONTI.
The aim of the EERA Bioenergy Programme is to develop new technologies and to improve the competitiveness of the next generation biofuels through five main sub-programmes:
- SP1 Sustainable production of biomass. Coordinator: Jean TAYEB
- SP2 Thermo-chemical processing of biomass into advanced biofuels and bio-based products. Coordinator: Jaap KIEL
- SP3 Bio-chemical processing of biomass into advanced biofuels and bio-based products. Coordinator: Francisco GIRIO
- SP4 Stationary Bioenergy. Coordinator: Berta MATAS
- SP5 Sustainability/Techno-Economic Analysis/Public Acceptance. Coordinator: Raquel Santos JORGE
For further information about the Joint Programme Bioenergy please visit the EERA JP Bioenergy web site.