Training Opportunities
This page contains an updated list of bachelor programmes, master programmes, PhD programmes and other trainig opportunities in the advanced biofuels and bioenergy sectors. Find the upcoming opportunities in the list below or search through our database.
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Results 91 - 100 of 171
Date | Name & Description | Country | Type |
You will gain competences in developing the bioenergy business, expand your views on sustainable development and management, …
Finland |
Master programme |
Our Study Semester "Renewable Resources" is a one-semester intensive course covering different aspects of sustainability …
Germany |
Training Course |
Provision of energy has a major impact on the environmental performance of society. Understanding principles and the effects …
Finland |
Master programme |
Um künftigen Generationen eine lebenswerte Grundlage zu bieten, sind Fragen der Versorgungssicherheit und Verfügbarkeit …
Germany |
Master programme |
Fossile Rohstoffe und Energieträger sind endlich. Zu-dem steht außer Frage, dass sich ihre Nutzung negativ …
Germany |
Bachelor programme |
Whereas the first year is designed to educate the student to become an engineer with broad basic technical knowledge in several …
Germany |
Master programme |
Ziel des Studiengangs Biological Resources M.Sc. ist es, den Studierenden den Wert biologischer Ressourcen (Boden, Pflanze, …
Germany |
Master programme |
Biogene Ressourcen sind zentraler Bestandteil für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftssystem in Europa. Um biogene Ressourcen wirtschaftlich …
Austria |
Master programme |
Whereas the first year is designed to educate the student to become an engineer with broad basic technical knowledge in several …
Netherlands |
Master programme |
Onko sähköauton hankinta ekoteko? Onko tuulivoima kannattavaa? Näiden taustalla olevia seikkoja pohdit energiatekniikan …
Finland |
Bachelor programme |
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Results 91 - 100 of 171