
Clean Power for Transport: A European alternative fuels strategy

  • Europewide

This Communication sets out a comprehensive alternative fuels strategy and the road to its implementation covering all modes of transport. Electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) were identified as currently the principal alternative fuels with a potential for long-term oil substitution, also in light of their possible simultaneous and combined use by means of, for instance, dual-fuel technology systems.

The strategy aims at establishing a long-term policy framework to guide technological development and investments in the deployment of these fuels and give confidence to consumers. An accompanying legislative proposalprovides a general direction for the development of alternative fuels in the Single European Transport Area. Member States would have the flexibility to develop policy frameworks for the market development of alternative fuels in their national context. The proposal also sets binding targets for the necessary infrastructure build-up, including common technical specif ications (e.g. for electric recharging points).

  • EC Legislation or Policy
Start Date - Duration:
24 January 2013 - ongoing
Lead organisation / administrator:
Other partners:

EU Member States

