
Nabisy - Sustainable Biomass System

  • Germany

Nabisy, the governmetal sustainable biomass system web application (Nachhaltige Biomasse System, Nabisy), operated by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), serves to prove the sustainability of bioliquids and/ or liquid or gaseous fuels from biomass, pursuant to EU Directive 2009/28/EC. Where liquid or gaseous fuels from biomass are concerned, Nabisy also serves to prove the double counting of liquid or gaseous fuel from waste, residues, cellulosic non-food-material and lignocellulosic material.

Economic operators who place liquid or gaseous biofuels in the German market may have such biofuels counted towards their quota obligation or may obtain tax relief only if they furnish proof that the liquid or gaseous fuels from biomass meet the criteria laid down in EU Directive 2009/28/EC. Double counting of liquid or gaseous fuels from biomass is only possible if they also fulfill the requirements laid down in the regulation implementing the rules for biofuel quota (Thirty-sixth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act). The sustainability criteria for bioliquids for electricity production must be fulfilled if operators wish to obtain payments pursuant to the German Renewable Energies Act (EEG).

Data of relevance for the German market are to be entered into Nabisy pursuant to Biofuel sustainability ordinance (Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung - Biokraft-NachV-), biomass-electricity-sustainability ordinance (Biomassestrom-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung -BioSt-NachV-) and 36th ordinance on the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionschutzgesetz) - the ordinance on the implementation of the rules on the biofuel quota (36. BImSchV). The German main customs offices, the biofuel quota body, network operators as well as the competent authorities of other EU member states have direct access to the Nabisy web application. Nabisy also serves as an instrument and source of relevance in connection with the annual experience and evaluation report within EU directive 2009/28/EC, to be drafted for the German government and the EU Commission.

See also Information Leaflet: Sustainable Biomass Production

Above text is from the Nabisy website

  • Certification and validation
  • National Project
Start Date - Duration:
01 October 2010 - ongoing
Lead organisation / administrator:
German Government
Other partners:
