Flightpath 2020 Workshop: Steps to achieve the Flightpath 2020 objectives
The draft agenda for the Flightpath 2020 workshop is as follows:
Part 1: The way so far
- What has been achieved, and what not
- Policy progress and challenges
Part 2: Importance of biofuels for aviation and refining
- Aviation provides great benefits for society but will have a long-term problem due to lack of environmentally acceptable alternatives to biofuels.
- Chances for the European refinery sector and energy resource secuity from biofuels.
Part 3: Agricultural aspects – chances and challenges.
- Sustainability criteria, opportunities and challenges for Non-ILUC crops, what technologies offer sustainable solutions?
- Public perception and farmer acceptance
- Achieving lower feedstock prices in a sustainable and politically acceptable way
Part 4: Avoiding distortions from road bio fuel support.
- National government approaches – the Dutch example
- The international setting
Part 5: A vision for advanced transport fuels: Long term policy - what is needed?
- National government approaches
- What are the barriers?
Registration details to follow in December 2014.