Update on implementation agendas 2009 - A review of key biofuel producing countries
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Biofuels for use in the transportation sector have been produced on a significant scale since the 1970’s, using a variety of technologies. This report examines the implementation agendas of 21 of the most significant biofuel producers and/or consumers in the world today, including many members of the International Energy Agency’s Bioenergy Task 39 ’Commercializing 1st and 2nd generation liquid biofuels for transport’. In 2008, biofuel production capacity across the 21 countries considered in this study totalled 10.9 billion litres of biodiesel, and 66.6 billion litres of bioethanol. Over 99% of this production is considered 1st generation, including both sugar and starch based bioethanol, and oilseed and waste oil based biodiesel.