
Assessment of Potential and Promotion of New Generation of Renewable Energy Technologies- study on behalf of the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament

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New renewable energy technologies allow to tap additional potentials such as offshore wind, and to reduce energy generation costs. The present study assesses the ripeness of new renewable technologies and their deployment potentials, which surpass total EU electricity consumption. Markets and industry structures as well as barriers are analysed. The policy assessment and recommendations focus on the coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the current European financing frameworks and the energy regulatory policy. The SET-Plan's strengths and weaknesses are examined.

A workshop was held on 12 April 2010 in the European Parliament aiming at presenting the state of play of the study, gather further expert's contributions as well as exchanging views with MEPs. Two 2 briefing notes were written by experts after their participation to the workshop. Their contribution cover the experience of the research community so far with EU's research and innovation policy in the field of renewable technologies as well as the regional perspective in the deployement of emerging RES.

EC DG Internal Policies - Dept A: Economic and Scientific Policy, with contributions from Ludwig-Bolkow-Systemtechnik (LBST), Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), College of Europe (COE), EUREC Agency EEIG, FEDARENE
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