ESBF Report on European Biofuels Statistics
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Details production and import statistics for bioethanol, biomethane and biodiesel in the EU Member States.
Since the last publication of our report of statistics, figures on European biofuels production have evolved with a slight increase in production. The European biofuels consumption remains however relatively steady and was, up to the end of 2013, fulfilled with dumped imports originating from diverse third countries, while European biofuels capacity continue at the same level as a result of lack of investors confidence in future regulatory support. The overall biofuels production increased slightly in 2012 compared to 2011. This is due partly to up availability of data, but also to change in market patterns for the main biofuels pathways. The averaged 7% year-on-year growth is mainly due to opening of new markets to biofuels production, such as Poland for biodiesel.
- Author:
- European Sustainable Biofuels Forum
- Type:
- Report
- Link:
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