A Market Outlook on Sustainable Aviation Fuel - SkyNRG's Perspective on the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative Proposal
On July 14th, 2021, the European Commission proposed a blending mandate on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This marks a significant step towards reducing the fossil jet fuel demand in the aviation sector. The EU is sending out a clear signal that it is taking a leading role in climate action in the aviation sector.
As a global supplier and a leader in SAF, SkyNRG has assessed the feasibility of meeting the targeted SAF volumes towards 2030, the requirements for capacity scale-up in the long term, and the various scenarios impacting the realization of this mandate. With this SAF market outlook, we will present the results of this assessment and our perspective on these questions.
In A Market Outlook on SAF: Summary Report you will learn:
- The feasibility of meeting the targeted SAF volumes towards 2030
- The requirements for capacity scale-up in the long term
- The various scenarios impacting the realization of this mandate
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