
Betting on science: Disruptive Technologies in Transport Fuels - Summary Document

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Accenture’s new research report, Betting on Science, Disruptive Technologies in Transport Fuels, identifies 12 technologies that have the potential to disrupt current supply, demand and GHG forecasts. It profiles 25 companies bringing these technologies to market and assesses the level of private activity in 10 countries and summarizes their local regulatory landscape.

The study comprised significant primary and secondary research, including analysis of more than 100 companies and interviews with leading scientists and more than 30 companies. Accenture defined disruptive fuel technologies as those that:

  • Reduce hydrocarbon fuel demand by more than 20 percent by 2030.
  • Save greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by more than 30 percent relative to the hydrocarbons they replace
  • Will be commercial in less than five years.
  • Will be competitive at an oil price of $45 to $90 at their commercial date.

In this 300-page report, Accenture’s global team of more than 15 people, have demystified these technologies - by providing data on when and what the trajectory might be for commercial viability - and to highlight the key challenges in economically bringing these technologies to market.

Accenture concludes that, while all 12 technologies are in development today, they may not all be successfully brought to market. To improve the chances of commercialization, policy makers will need to take action.

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