
Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

The Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (ABEA) is a non-government organization, registered by the law as a legal entity with non-profit purpose. The founder members of the Association are legal entities - agencies for energy management on local and regional level, constituted with the financial and methodological assistance of the European Commission. 

ABEA aims to: 

• Improve the National and Regional regulation to ensure sustainable energy policy

• Communicate with the ManagEnergy Reflection Group, following its instructions and participation in events at International and National levels

• Collaborate with the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources, National Agency for Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Environmental and other state authorities for improvement of the state regulations related to sustainable energy development, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy resources

• Exchange information and disseminate best practice in the area of RES and RUE

• Support the local authority/Municipalities/ for implementing projects in areas of RES, RUE and Environmental protection


