Paving the way towards clean energy and fuels in Europe
Talks with research, industry and EU Member States on bioenergy, advanced biofuels and renewable fuels
Wednesday 29 May 2019│09:00 – 17:00, Congress Centre CCL, Lisbon
The workshop “Paving the way towards clean energy and fuels in Europe” took place on Wednesday, 29th May 2019, in the framework of the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2019) in Lisbon. The event was an initiative of the European Commission, in cooperation with the European Technology and Innovation Platform - ETIP Bioenergy, the European Energy Research Alliance - EERA Bioenergy, the Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) European Technology and Innovation Platform - ETIP (Biomass Technical Panel) and the SET Plan Action 8 EU Member States.
The initiative aimed at focusing on how to move forward the innovation chain in the European Union on bioenergy, advanced biofuels and renewable fuels, contributing to the clean energy transformation in energy and transport, as foreseen with the Strategic Development Goals and the EU Communication “Clean Planet for All”.
For this purpose, the workshop identified the research and the innovation needs as well as the roadmap for bioenergy and renewable fuels to make the EU industrial energy and transport sectors economically and environmentally sustainable, secure and competitive in the global markets.
In the morning, a session on R&I Policies and Programmes set the strategy framework as stated by European Commission and the associations of policy and industrial stakeholders. The DG Research and Innovation – European Commission, the SET Plan Working Group no. 8, the ETIP Bioenergy, the RHC ETIP Biomass Technical Panel and the EERA Bioenergy provided their overview and key messages for the future action.
After the first session, five roundtables offered the opportunity to show to the audience all the value chains of advanced biofuels, renewable fuels, intermediate bioenergy carriers and biomass-based cogeneration of heat and power. Each roundtable provided a quick overview of around 50 EU-funded projects in total, discussing the challenges and the solutions implemented by each project. The roundtables were followed by a final discussion identifying the most affordable process or technology solutions for real implications at impact level in the market.
On advanced biofuels value chain, the rapporteur Antti Arasto (VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland) gave the floor to the following project coordinators: ABC-SALT, ADVANCEFUEL, BABET-REAL5, BIO4A, CLARA, COMSYN, CONVERGE, FLEDGED, FlexJET, MacroFuels, Pulp & Fuel, Redifuel and REWOFUEL.
The second rapporteur, Thomas Schleker (DG Research and Innovation - European Commission) introduced the 2nd roundtable on renewable fuels value chain. The following projects were presented: Bac-to-Fuel, eForFuel, FRESME, KEROGREEN, SUN-TO-LIQUID and WASTE2FUELS.
The third roundtable was focused on intermediate bioenergy carriers value chain. Patricia Thornley, (University of Aston, UK) was rapporteur for the following projects: Bin2Grid, BiogasAction, BIOMASUD PLUS, BIOMATES, BIOSURF, Heat-To-Fuel, HyFlexFuel, ISAAC, TO-SYN-FUEL and uP-running.
Dominik Rutz (RHC ETIP Biomass Technical Panel) was rapporteur of the fourth roundtable, focused on renewable heating and cogeneration of heat and power value chains. The following projects were presented: AgroBioheat, ARBAHEAT, BELENUS, Biofficiency, BLAZE, FLEXCHX, HiEff-BioPower and Residue2Heat.
The fifth and last roundtable was introduced by Myrsini Christou (CRES - Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece) and gave the floor to projects on strategic actions: Ambition, BALANCE, BECOOL, BESTF 1/2/3, BioEnergyTrain, BIOFIT, BIOPLAT-EU, Engine tests with new types of biofuels and development of biofuel standards, ETIP Bioenergy SABS, FORBIO, SecureChain, SeemLa
In each value chain, project coordinators were asked by rapporteurs to provide their opinions on a list of questions, such as:
- What is the status quo?
- What is next? (in terms of future research, innovation and market up-take needs per technology for the value chain; potential for cross-sectorial / among MS / between different value chains’ cooperation; still missing aspects)
- How can bioenergy best contribute to EU Energy and Climate targets by 2050 and to Sustainable Development Goals?
Presentations and feedbacks by the coordinators of the projects (co-financed under the European Union’s Framework Programme Horizon 2020 – Secure, clean and efficient energy challenge) offered a complete overview on the entire innovation sequence, from breakthrough technologies to applied research and demonstration, pre-commercial scale financing and market up-take support measures, together with indications on technologies and processes needing a final support for hitting the market.
The workshop ended with a final roundtable where the 5 rapporteurs, moderated by Tomas Kåberger (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), introduced a synthesis of the most influential points presented during the day by the engaged EU Member States and the research and industrial stakeholders.
The workshop registered the presence of more than 180 participants and started “paving the way” for the upcoming steps to make the SET Plan Action 8 a reality in Europe.
Browse through the event agenda below to download all the speakers presentations.
9.00 - 9.10 Welcome: European Commission
9.10 - 9.40 Keynote speech: European Commission
Maria Georgiadou, European Commission, Directorate-General Research and Innovation
9.40 - 9.55 The SET Plan Action 8: The Member States
Timo Ritonummi and Franco Cotana, Chairs SET Plan WG 8
9.55 - 10.10 The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European industrial stakeholders: ETIP Bioenergy
Patrik Klintbom, Chair, ETIP Bioenergy
10.10 - The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European industrial stakeholders: Renewable Heating and Cooling ETIP – Biomass Technical Panel
Dominik Rutz, Chair, RHC ETIP Biomass Technical Panel
10.25 - 10.40 The joint programme of the European bioenergy research alliance: EERA Bioenergy
Jaap Kiel, Chair, EERA Bioenergy
10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 - 12.00 Advanced biofuels value chain: Project coordinators
Rapporteur: Antti Arasto, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
12.00 - 12.30 Renewable fuels value chain: Project coordinators
Rapporteur: Thomas Schleker, Directorate-General Research and Innovation, European Commission
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 - 14.20 Intermediate bioenergy carriers value chain: Project coordinators
Rapporteur: Patricia Thornley, University of Aston, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Projects: Bin2Grid, BiogasAction, BIOMASUD PLUS, BIOMATES, BIOSURF, Heat-To-Fuel, HyFlexFuel, ISAAC, TO-SYN-FUEL, uP-running
14.20 - 15.00 Renewable heating and cogeneration of heat & power: Project coordinators
Rapporteur: Dominik Rutz, WIP Renewable Energies, Germany
Projects: AgroBioHeat, ARBAHEAT, BELENUS, Biofficiency, BLAZE, FLEXCHX, HiEff-BioPower, Residue2Heat
15.00 - 16.00 Strategic actions: Project coordinators
Rapporteur: Myrsini Christou, Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece
Projects: Ambition, BALANCE, BECOOL, BESTF 1/2/3, BioEnergyTrain, BIOFIT, BIOPLAT-EU, Engine tests with new types of biofuels and development of biofuel standards, ETIP Bioenergy SABS, FORBIO, SECURECHAIN, SEEMLA
16.00 - 16.20 Coffee break
16.20 - 17.00 The way forward for R&I on bioenergy, advanced biofuels and renewable fuels: (Rapporteurs of roundtables)
Moderator: Tomas Kåberger, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
17.00 - Closing of the day: European Commission