Biomass to Liquids (BtL) Via Fischer-Tropsch a Brief Review
A brief review of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is presented. FTS, a technique known for about a century, is a mature technology that converts synthesis gas (CO and H2) into liquid crude readily upgradable to standard transportation fuels. The synthesis gas may be produced from a variety of carbonaceous feedstocks, such as coal, natural gas, biomass, residues or even carbon dioxide. The sustainability of a FT value chain depends on the feedstock used to derive the synthesis gas. This review summarizes recent experimental, commercial/demo/pilot and techno-economic publications of FT technology based on feedstocks that qualify REDII Annex IX A and with a product focus on sectors deemed more difficult to decarbonize in the short-term, such as long-distance transport, aviation and shipping.
- Author:
Sennai Asmelash Mesfun - RISE Sweden
Prepared with the support of project ETIP-B-SABS2- Type:
- Report
- Link: