The Integrated SET Plan and its implementation
The role of SET4BIO is grounded on the Integrated European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) a key stepping-stone to boost the transition towards a climate neutral energy system.
The Integrated SET Plan defines the new European Research & Innovation energy-related agenda covering the European energy system as a whole. Its mission is to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy system as well as of the transport sector by making technologies cost-competitive and better-performing.
This is possible only through a participatory approach. Indeed, since the publication of the Energy Union Package Communication in 2015 (COM/2015/080 final) a strengthened cooperation in research and innovation between the EU, Member States (including Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey), and stakeholders (national governments, industry and research actors) has been fostered.
In order to achieve its objectives, the Integrated SET Plan set ambitious research and innovation targets in each of the identified 10 key actions, including the Key Action 8 - Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy.
In parallel, the Communication Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation was adopted in November 2016, as part of the Clean Energy for all Europeans package of measures. It contained new provisions in renewable fuels and bioenergy.
Under Key Action 8, in October 2017 representatives from Member States, Associated Countries, stakeholders and the European Commission gathered for the kick-off meeting of the SET Plan Temporary Working Group on Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy (TWG 8).
The TWG met regularly with the task to agree upon a plan with concrete Research & Innovation activities and proposals of funding opportunities, in line with the targets of the Integrated SET Plan. In June 2019, the former TWG became Implementation Working Group 8 (IWG 8) with the scope to get the Plan implemented.
At the basis of the TWG work there were the challenges, objectives and strategic targets adopted in the SET Plan Declaration of Intent 8 (DoI 8), agreed in November 2016. On the 13 June 2018 the SET Plan Implementation Plan Action 8: Bioenergy and Renewable Fuels for Sustainable Transport (IP8) was endorsed.
In line with the SET Plan DoI, the Implementation Plan of Action 8 details the European research and innovation activities that are needed to reach the targets of Key Action 8 by 2030. It sets 3 goals:
- Improving the performance of renewable fuels and bioenergy production in terms of both yield and efficiency;
- Reducing the GHG emissions along the value chain;
- Reducing the costs of processes and products
The Plan is ambitious both in its targets and in terms of mobilizing the adequate financial resources to address them. It details 13 Research & Innovation activities, with an estimated budget of 107 billion €, split in 2.29 billion € for development measures and 104.31 billion € for demonstration and scale-up activities.
Those resources and the right financing instruments shall be mobilized by activating and coordinating a wide number of actors, both private and public stakeholders, in addition to Member States and the EU, in a concerted effort towards the same goal: delivering cost-competitive and efficient renewable fuels and bioenergy in Europe.
The SET4BIO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 884524 |