Conference presentations
GBEP sustainability indicators briefing note
View presentations from GBEP Events in 2011 covering GHG LCA, sustainable bioenergy for sustainable development and related topics.
In Europe, the sustainability of biofuels is the focus of the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) project Quality and Performance of Biofuels (BioF) and projects such as BioGrace (see below). Sustainable biofuels in the EU are also subject to a certification scheme. More widely, the FACCEJPI - Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change aims to bring together national research in the EU covering the impact of climate change on crop production, forestry and aquaculture and vice versa. For example, methane produced by agricultural activities may influence man-made climate change, while at the same time weather due to increased sea temperatures may affect crop harvests. Hence ongoing research is required to optimise agricultural (and forestry) land use for food, feed or bioproducts in Europe, and to monitor and model the impact these have on the environment and food supplies.
BioGrace - Harmonisation of GHG calculations in the EU
View Presentation on BioGrace (1.3 Mb PDF) made by Dina Bacovsky, Bioenergy 2020+ at EBTP SPM4 on 15 September 2011
BioGrace held a series of public workshops on biofuels GHG calculations focusing on all Member States. The workshops were held between February and June 2011 in Utrecht, Netherlands, Heidelberg, Germany, Paris, France, Athens, Greece, Stockholm, Sweden amd Madrid, Spain.
The EU funded project BioGrace (Contract No: IEE/09/736/SI2.558249) aimed to harmonise calculations of biofuel greenhouse gas emissions and thus supports the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED, 2009/28/EC)) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD, 2009/30EC) into national laws.