Conference Presentations

EBTP SPM7 Presentation on Sustainable and resource efficient biomass

pdf Presentation (2721 Kb) on Sustainable and resource efficient biomass by Calliope Panoutsou, Imperial College London, based on the panel discussion held at EBTP SPM7, June 2016


Archive presentations on feedstocks

EBTP SPM6 Presentation on biomass mobilisation and sustainability

Presentation on biomass mobilisation and sustainability by Calliope Panoutsou, Imperial College London, based on the panel discussion held at EBTP SPM6, October 2014.

Feedstock presentations From EBTP SPM5 February 2013

pdf iconAgricultural policies to ensure feedstock mobilisation

Markus Holzer, Head of Unit, Bioenergy, Forest and Climatic Change, European Commission, DG AGRI

pdf iconNon-technical challenges for a company intending to build a demonstration/flagship plant - biomass sourcing strategy

Hannes Lechner, Principal - Global Bioenergy Practice,
Pöyry Management Consulting (UK) Ltd

Biomass Supply Challenges: How to meet biomass demand by 2020? was a half-day workshop held at the Beurs-World Trade Centre, Rotterdam on 15 March 2012. The workshop was jointly organised by Working Group 1 of the European Biofuels Technology Platform and the Renewable Heating and Cooling European Technology Platform, in co-operation with World Biofuels Markets 2012. Demand for sustainable biomass is forecast to increase greatly over the next decade for biofuels producers (road, air and marine), biorefineries, utilities and bioenergy producers. This workshop brought together speakers from various sectors across Europe to discuss the challenge of providing reliable volumes of biomass at competitive cost, while meeting sustainability criteria. View workshop Presentations.

The pathway to low-input, high-efficiency feedstocks - sustainability, land availability, economics, and policy issues.
Presentation by Calliope Panoutsou at EBTP SPM4 on 15-09-11