Biofuels in Romania
Overview of biofuels in Romania - from feedstock to end use view info >>
Biofuels ministries, organisations and agencies in Romania view info >>
Key biofuels industry and research stakeholders in Romania view info >>
Advanced biofuels demonstrations and R&D Projects in Romania view info >>
Biofuels policy, regulations, market development and support in Romania view info >>
Overview of biofuels in Romania - from feedstock to end use
Fact sheet: Bioenergy in Romania (202 Kb)
Biofuels ministries, organisations and agencies in Romania
- ARBIO - Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas
- ENERO - Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania
Key biofuels industry and research stakeholders in Romania
Advanced biofuels demonstrations and R&D Projects in Romania
It should be noted that, perhaps owing to the autocratic past, domestic research in renewables dates back to the mid 70s in Romania, thus testifying of a particularly friendly environment. Nonetheless, research in the advanced biofuels domain is limited by objective socio-economic hurdles.
Like other countries of the region, limited access to finance is perceived as major obstacle, together with market uncertainty. In recent years, Romania increased its production of liquid biofuels, mostly on the account of conventional biodiesel (approx. 430.000 ha were cultivated with rapeseed in 2007). Installed biofuels capacities are approx. 295 ktoe (206 biodiesel and 89 bioethanol); annual consumption is approx. 167ktoe (125 biodiesel and 42 bioethanol) while production is limited to approx. 105 ktoe (97 biodiesel and 8 bioethanol), with additional approx. 62 ktoe that are imported. Production and consumption have been oscillating from year to year, with a recent negative trend.