European Biofuels Technology Platform
4th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting

From feedstocks to finance:
upscaling sustainable biofuels

14th-15th September 2011
Diamant Conference and Business Centre

Overview Presentations CVs & Abstracts Press Release

SPM4 Overview

The Fourth Stakeholder Plenary Meeting of EBTP was held in Brussels on 14-15 September 2011 in Brussels. This unique gathering of a wide forum of stakeholders was attended by around 180 delegates from industry, academia, research organisations, and common interest groups, etc..

Rapid and effective deployment of innovative biofuels technologies is needed to reach the EU 2020 targets for renewable energy use in transport. The activities of the EBTP and its stakeholders are central to this aim by overcoming important market and regulatory challenges in producing large volumes of sustainable advanced biofuels by 2020.

This year, the speakers and discussion programme were focused on the upscaling of advanced biofuels and the sustainability of feedstock production. On day one, sessions covered the current status and predicted future of biofuels production and use, as well as the financing and upscaling of advanced technologies. The second day highlighted feedstock production and availability, as well as important sustainability issues across the different value chains.

EBTP SPM4 Diamant Brussels

SPM4 is a forum for all stakeholders to share their views. By extending the conference over two days this year, the EBTP aimed to create more opportunity for stakeholders to discuss important issues surrounding the expansion of the EU biofuels market.

The platform would like to thank all stakeholders and speakers who contributed to a stimulating and productive conference. Links to presentations, photos, CVs and abstracts and the SPM4 press release have now been uploaded.

We encourage all stakeholders with an interest in sustainable advanced biofuels to register for free with the EBTP. The platform will keep you informed of the latest information on EIBI, consultations on biofuels, bioenergy and sustainability, events, reports and other developments, as well as seeking your input into working groups, documents, data collection, etc.. We look forward to working closely with all stakeholders in the months ahead.

EBTP SPM4 opening address


PROGRAMME DAY 1 - 14.09.11


Lars Christian Hansen, Chair of the Steering Committee, European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP)
Novozymes A/S

Lars Hansen, Chair EBTP SC



Henrik Erämetsä, EBTP Steering Committee,
Neste Oil

Henrik Erametsa

Biofuels and the road to the EU Energy & Climate 2020 targets – perspectives from the European Commission
Raffaele Liberali, Director, Directorate K - Energy, EC Directorate-General for Research & Innovation

Raffaele Liberali

Policy framework, including NREAPs, targets for commercial and advanced biofuels
Rob Vierhout, ePure (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Rob Vierhout (410 Kb PDF)

Rob Vierhout

Current status and future outlook for biofuels (IEA Biofuel Roadmap)
Anselm Eisentraut, IEA (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Anselm Eisentraut (934 Kb PDF)

Anselm Eisentraut

ERTRAC’s research road map for the  decarbonization of road transport
Professor Zissis Samaras, ERTRAC (pictured below)

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Zissis Samaras


Discussion Session EBTP SPM4





Véronique Hervouet, EBTP Steering Committee,
(pictured below)

Veronique Hervouet

European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI)
Bruno Schmitz, Head of Unit K3, New and renewable energy sources, EC Directorate General Research
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Bruno Schmitz (139 Kb PDF)

Bruno Schmitz

Béatrice Coda, Low Carbon Technologies, EC Directorate General Climate Action
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Béastrice Coda (3.8 Mb PDF)

Beatrice Coda

United States DoE Bioenergy Program
Paul Grabowski, United States, DoE (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Paul Grabowski (1.7 Mb PDF)

pdf iconIntegrated Biorefineries Portfoilo Overview (1.3 Mb PDF)

Paul Grabowski

Status Report on demonstration plants for advanced biofuels production - thermochemical and biochemical pathways
Pierre Porot, Co-Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
IFP (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Pierre Porot (449 Kb PDF)

Pierre Porot

Ingvar Landälv, Co-Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
Chemrec AB
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Ingvar Landälv (740 Kb PDF)

Ingvar Landalv

Financing conditions for innovative biofuels projects
Roberto Rodriguez Labastida, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Roberto Rodriguez Labastida (513 Kb PDF)

Roberto Rodriguez Labastida

Funding programmes for upscaling of sustainable biofuels technologies
Michael Persson, DONG Energy Power New Bio Solutions (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Michael Persson (398 Kb PDF)

Michael Persson

Discussion: Bottlenecks for biofuels upscaling - technologies, financing, frameworks.
All speakers from the above session and industry representitives

EBTP SPM4 Discussion Session 2



EBTP SPM4 networking event


PROGRAMME DAY 2 - 15.09.11


Calliope Panoutsou, EBTP WG 1
Imperial College London


Introduction: The pathway to low-input, high-efficiency feedstocks - sustainability, land availability, economics, and policy issues.
Calliope Panoutsou, EBTP WG1 Biomass Resources,
Imperial College London
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Calliope Panoutsou (1.0 Mb PDF)

Calliope Panoutsou


Will perennial crops take off  in Europe?
Jean-Marc Jossart, General Secretary, AEBIOM (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Jean-Marc Jossart (672 Kb PDF)

Jean-Marc Jossart

Agricultural feedstocks: current status and the path to improvement
Christine von Buttlar, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Engineers Association for Agriculture and Environment (pictured below)

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Christine von Buttlar


Forestry feedstocks: current status & the path to improvement
Iain Sutherland, UPM Kymmene (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Iain Sutherland (1.4 Mb PDF)

Iain Sutherland


Low land input feedstocks: Algae technology predictions
Jukka-Pekka Nieminen, Chair EBTP WG3 Distribution & Use
Neste Oil (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Jukka-Pekka Nieminen (940 Kb PDF)

Jukka-Pekka Nieminen


Panel discussion: Yields, costs, economics of production & sustainability indicators - feedstock options for the short (2020), medium (2030) and long term (2050+)



Marc Londo, Chair EBTP WG 4
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
(pictured below)

Marc Londo

State of play of RED sustainability criteria implementation and reflection on advanced biofuels
Kyriakos Maniatis, Principal Administrator, EC Directorate General for Energy
(pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Kyriakos Maniatis (596 Kb PDF)

Kriakos Maniatis

Sustainability criteria for advanced biofuels
Imke Lübbeke, WWF (pictured below)

Imke Lubbeke

BIOGRACE – harmonisation of GHG methodologies
Dina Bacovsky, Bioenergy 2020+ (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Dina Bacovsky (1.3 Mb PDF)

Dina Bacovsky

Implementation of sustainability regulations in the EU
Norbert Schmitz, Meo Carbon Solutions (pictured below)

pdf iconView Presentation by Norbert Schmitz (8.5 Mb PDF)


Sustainability issues of biofuels in Brazil
Marcos Savini, Head of Energy and Sustainable Development, Mission of Brazil to the European Union (pictured below)

Marcos Savini

Panel discussion