This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 2023 published by ETIP Bioenergy aims to identify important activities and focus areas that need to be considered in research and innovation, either fundamental or applied, in order for the value chains to reach their full market potential. It is an update of the last release of 2018. SRIA 2023 addresses the status of development and deployment of biomass technologies, including key research and innovation challenges; the biomass supply for a growing bioeconomy industry, advanced conversion technologies, emerging markets (aviation and shipping) and concludes with an outlook for biofuels beyond 2030.
This document has been produced from input gathered from ETIP Bioenergy Working Groups and their participants, as well as ETIP Bioenergy Steering Committee members, and a number of external experts, in the framework of the ETIP-B2022-2025 project. The update process was carried out from October 2022 to August 2023. The structure of chapters for the new document was elaborated by a core team, then it was published online and opened to contributions from experts and stakeholders.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2023 is officially released and presented on the occasion of the ETIP Bioenergy 11th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting, held on the 27th and 28th September 2023 in Brussels.
Cost-competitive innovative world-class bioenergy and biofuel value chains
EBTP and ETIP Bioenergy have published Strategic Research and Innovation (SRIA) Agendas in 2008, 2010 and 2016. This specific Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is the update of the EBTP SRIA 2016 agenda and it has been produced by the ETIP Bioenergy Steering Committee, Working Groups and the ETIP Bioenergy SABS project partners.
It envisages new legislation trends as well as it addresses the most current challenges in the field of bioenergy, such as the availability and sustainability of feedstocks, the acceleration of novel feedstocks, advanced conversion technologies and emerging markets (e.g. aviation, shipping).
The document complements recent or upcoming Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas (SRIA) of other organisations on the same or related topics, such as the Biomass Panel of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).ETIP Bioenergy - STRATEGIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AGENDA 2018(7.65 Mb)
2016 EBTP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
In 2016, the EBTP published its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). A stakeholder consultation on the SRIA enabling stakeholders and the interested public to give feedback on the draft SRIA was carried out between 24 March 2016 to 24 April 2016. A PDF version of the final version was made available for download in June 2016.
2016 EBTP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) (7.5 Mb)
The final version of the SRIA was released at the 7th EBTP Stakeholder Plenary Meeting in Brussels on 21 June 2016.
EBTP Strategic Research Agenda and Strategy Deployment Document (SRA/SDD), 2010 Update
EBTP SRA Update, July 2010
In 2010, the EBTP published an update to the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), the background to which is presented below. A stakeholder consultation on the Update to the SRA was carried out between 19th April and 31 May 2010. A PDF version of the final draft was made available for download in July 2010. The printed version was distributed in September 2010.
EBTP SRA Update July 2010 (1.1 Mb)
Background to the SRA/SDD Update
The initial focus of the EBTP during 2007 was to produce a Strategic Research Agenda and Strategy Deployment Document SRA/SDD identifying key RD&D working lines for the next decades, as necessary to achieve the Vision 2030. The SRA/SDD, which was launched at the First Stakeholder Plenary Meeting in Brussels on 31st January 2008, also aimed to provide a reliable source of information and opinion on the development of biofuels for transport in the EU.
Subsequently, the Renewable Energy Directive (COM (2008) 19) and the updated Fuel Quality Directive adopted by Council and the European Parliament set the framework conditions and resulting challenges to be overcome by economic actors of current and future biofuel value chains.
In light of this new legislation and ongoing consultations on the availability and sustainability of feedstocks, as well as the acceleration of novel feedstocks, advanced conversion technologies, and emerging markets (e.g. aviation, shipping), an update to the EBTP SRA/SDD was published in July 2010.