ETIP Bioenergy Stakeholders
European Biofuels and Bioenergy Stakeholder Database
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- A biofuels or bioenergy stakeholder is any organisation that participates in biofuels/bioenergy research, feedstocks, conversion pathways, production, distribution, end-use, sustainability and deployment in Europe.
- The database of European biofuels and bioenergy stakeholders currently includes around 600 entries covering companies, universities, trade associations, research institutes, government organisations and NGOs.
- Please follow the links to the website of each organisation for the most recent information.
Who is listed on the stakeholder database?
The stakeholder database includes a description and website link for organisations involved in all aspects of biofuels and bioenergy
ETIP Bioenergy Stakeholders
1. Members of the ETIP Bioenergy Steering Committee, Working Groups and Task Forces;
2. Stakeholder organisations who have directly registered their details with the platform and/or have attended the stakeholder plenary meetings or workshops;
+ Other European Biofuels and Bioenergy organisations
3. Other organisations active in biofuels/bioenergy R&D&D in Europe (included to provided a comprehensive view of European biofuels/bioenergy research and industry).
The listing is primarily focused on European biofuels/bioenergy organisations, but also includes biofuels/bioenergy organisations that have registered from around the world.
How to add or amend details for your organisation
Please use the online form to register stakeholder profiles and details, which will be added to the public database and the ETIP Bioenergy's private contact list. Please see the ETIP Bioenergy Contact Page for further details and the important notes on use of information provided by stakeholders (below).
Further information
Below you will also find information on:
- What are ETIP Bioenergy stakeholders and what role do they play in the platform?
- Archive ETIP Bioenergy Stakeholder Documents
ETIP Bioenergy Stakeholders
What is a stakeholder of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy?
"ETIP Bioenergy stakeholders" are organisations that have specifically contributed to the ETIP Bioenergy by:
- sharing information with the platform on biofuels RTD or commercial products and services;
- participating in Plenary Meetings and Workshops, or;
- being part of the Steering Commitee, Working Groups or Task Forces.
ETIP Bioenergy stakeholders can include businesses and other organisations involved in supplying any components of the overall chain from biomass production, through utilisation, conversion, distribution and end use. This includes both direct involvement with the biomass component, as well as manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for any stage of the overall process including engines and vehicles. Plant breeders, waste processers, design and contracting engineering companies, fuel distribution bodies and fleet management companies are other examples of business stakeholders.
Since a primary purpose of the ETIP Bioenergy is the identification of research priorities, stakeholders also include research institutes and university departments actively engaged in biofuels research. A wide range of support organisations or common interest groups are also stakeholders. These include, Farm or Forest Unions, Professional Associations, Industry trade groups, Learned Societies, NGOs and other special interest advocacy or lobbying groups.
From the financial world investors, shareholders and others involved in developing increased availability of biomass and greater capacity of biomass conversion are also stakeholders.
From the legal and decision making sector stakeholders will include government regulatory agencies as well as both national and local governmental bodies that will have to incorporate policies into law, consider acceptance of, for instance GM crops, and with planning permission and help surmount other non-technical barriers to the adoption of biofuels for transport.
How are stakeholders involved in the ETIP Bioenergy?
The involvement of stakeholders within the ETIP Bioenergy is defined by the Terms of Reference (TOR), which allows for representation of all relevant stakeholders within the operating bodies of the platform – that is the Steering Committee (SC) and the various sectorial working groups (WGs). Please refer to the ETIP Bioenergy Contacts Page for details of how to apply for WG membership.
Direct involvement in the activities of the ETIP Bioenergy is possible through membership of the Stakeholder Plenary. This is a community of Stakeholders that participate in the Platform through various communication channels (in particular, the website and an annual Plenary meeting). The aim is to facilitate information dissemination and knowledge shaing among stakeholders and to stimulate future cooperation in collaborative RD&D projects.
The annual Plenary Meetings provide an opportunity for open debate on the strategy adopted in the SRIA 2016.
Stakeholder participation in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and other documents and activities
Drafts of the SRIA were prepared by the SC and WGs, with support from the Secretariat and the ETIP Bioenergy-SABS team.
Registered stakeholders with expertise and experience in a particular aspect of advanced biofuels and bioenergy R&D&D, may be contacted by the ETIP Bioenergy for feedback or guidance on specific topics (such as sustainability issues, specific conversion pathways, biomass logistics, etc). However, we also highly appreciate individual comments and ideas of interested stakeholders that would like to get involved into the discussions.
What use will be made of information submitted by Stakeholders to the ETIP Bioenergy?
In general, all press releases, publications and updates on projects submitted to the ETIP Bioenergy will be regarded as public domain, unless the Chairman of the SC and the Secretariat are specifically informed in writing that the information is restricted or ‘commercial-in-confidence’.
A short organisation profile and online presence is required for the stakeholder application and this information will be made public through the ETIP Bioenergy website. Registered stakeholders must provide full contact details. This is withheld from the public part of the website. However, this information will be included in the password protected ‘members’ area (and hence is visible to SC and WG members to facilitate knowledge sharing, consultation and R&D&D cooperation).
While the SC is happy to accept relevant information on a broad front, the ETIP Bioenergy reserves the right to use this information to present a concensus view in the best interest of the European biofuels and bioenergy community. The platform does not operate as a conduit for individual views or promotion of individual organisations.
Stakeholder Documents
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2016
Strategic Research Agenda 2010
ETIP Bioenergy Terms of Reference (TOR)
8th Stakeholder Plenary 2018 Presentations
7th Stakeholder Plenary 2016 Presentations
6th Stakeholder Plenary 2014 Presentations
5th Stakeholder Plenary 2013 Presentations
4th Stakeholder Plenary 2011 Presentations
3rd Stakeholder Plenary 2010 Presentations