European Biofuels Technology Platform Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda
The Second Stakeholder Plenary Meeting of EBTP was a one day conference with a focus on demonstration of advanced biofuels technologies and innovative value chains for biofuels and bioenergy. It was attended by 200 stakeholders from across Europe. An overview of the conference is provided by the Press Release. PDFs of all presentations and posters can be viewed (subject to disclaimer) via the links below, along with a selection of photographs from the event. CVs and Abstracts for all the speakers and abstracts for the poster sessions are also available as PDFs.
Press Release (92 Kb PDF)European biofuel ambitions and technology needs - European Biofuels Technology Platform highlights promising routes and discusses challenges to overcome to demonstrate innovative sustainable biofuel value chains
The Renewable Energies Directive and the updated Fuel Quality Directive recently adopted by Council and the European Parliament are setting the framework conditions and resulting challenges to be overcome by economic actors of current and future biofuel value chains. At its 2nd Stakeholder Plenary Meeting held in Brussels on 22 January 2009, the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) brought together 200 actors from across Europe to discuss promising innovative routes that could bring significant contributions towards achieving the 2020 EU objectives for biofuels. Particular focus was given to the challenges involved in moving from pilot to demonstration, en route to full commercial deployment.
“The European Industrial Initiatives (EIIs) are a central instrument within the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) for accelerating innovation and technology deployment,” said Raffaele Liberali, Director for Energy Research at the European Commission. While acknowledging the specific challenges faced by bioenergy stakeholders (sectoral fragmentation and competition to access feedstocks already or potentially used by other market sectors), he stressed the necessity to come up quickly with a proposal for objectives, activities and commitment from industry, so that the budgetary discussion with Member States can start as soon as possible.
An update on the key issues related to the availability of sustainable biomass feedstocks for biofuels was presented by Calliope Panoutsou (Imperial College). Three new databases on ongoing R&D activities in Europe, on biofuels pilots and demonstration units in Europe, and on the ongoing debates on biofuels (sustainability, food versus fuels, etc), were presented by Birger Kerckow (FNR), from the EBTP secretariat.
Markku Karlsson (UPM), presented the EBTP approach to identify and analyse innovative and sustainable biofuel and bioenergy value chains, in addition to existing bioenergy and biofuel pathways.
Nine case study presentations of ongoing biofuel pilot and demonstration projects, focusing on agricultural and forestry feedstocks, residues and biowastes as well as biochemical and thermochemical conversion routes to be applied on different scales, showed the challenges to be met and ways to overcome them. It became clear that the diversity of European framework conditions will also require a number of technologies to be upscaled. The final presentation of this session provided a very useful comparison with pilot and demonstration activities in the USA.
Financing demonstrations – another key issue – was addressed both from a Member State and a private equity perspective. Thomas Kaberger (Swedish Energy Agency), clearly explained that the least costly way for the public sector to contribute to the financing of the expensive and risky industrial demonstrations of innovative biofuel value chains was to reduce the risk of regulatory changes that could adversely impact them. Harry Boyle (New Energy Finance) presented data on the private equity financing of next generation biofuels, pointing out a clear imbalance between the different sides of the Atlantic, to the benefit of North American actors.
A European Industrial Initiative on Bio-Energy (EII-B) could play an important role to boost the industrial deployment of the most risky and expensive innovative biofuel and bioenergy technologies. The EBTP is committed to contribute to the shaping of this initiative, and is actively preparing a proposal to be presented in the spring of 2009, said Véronique Hervouet (Total), Chair of the Steering Committee of the EBTP.
SPM2: Speaker CVs and Abstracts (312 Kb PDF)
SPM2: Poster Session Abstracts (62 Kb PDF)
Download Programme (162Kb PDF)
Important Disclaimer: All text, images, diagrams, data and other content within the following presentations are copyright of the individual authors or other legal entities where indicated. No statements made within the presentations are legally binding. All trademarks are the property of the registered owners. Views expressed in individual presentations are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the views of the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP) or the European Commission. The EBTP, individual speakers, and the companies or organisations they represent do not accept responsbility for any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, nor do they accept any liability for omissions or errors of fact contained herein. By downloading and viewing the following presentations you indicate that you have read and accept this disclaimer.
Véronique Hervouet, Chair of Steering Committee (SC), EBTP
Moderator: Véronique Hervouet, Chair of Steering Committee (SC), EBTP
1. The EU SET Plan and European Industrial Initiatives
Raffaele Liberali, DG Research, Director of Directorate K – Energy
2. Biofuels & Biorefinery research and demonstration activities of the European Commission: update on recent developments
Bruno Schmitz, DG Research, Head of Unit K3 New and renewable energy sources
View Presentation ( Bruno Schmitz - 231Kb PDF)
Jose Riesgo, DG Transport and Energy (photo below)
View Presentation ( Jose Riesgo - 2.4 Mb PDF)
3. Availability of sustainable biomass feedstocks for biofuels: update on key issues
Calliope Panoutsou, Vice Chair of Working Group 1 on Biomass Availaibility and Supply, EBTP
View Presentation (3.8 Mb PDF)
Moderator: Anders Röj, Vice-Chair of Steering Committee (SC), EBTP
1. Mapping activities of the EBTP: databases of main ongoing biofuels related R&D projects, pilot & demonstration plants and public biofuels debates
Birger Kerckow, Secretariat of the EBTP
View Presentation ( 840 Kb PDF)
2. The identification of Bioenergy value chains of potential relevance to EII-B
Markku Karlsson, Vice Chair of Steering Commitee (SC) and Co-chair of Working Group 6 on Prioritisation, EBTP
View Presentation ( 573 Kb PDF)
Moderator: Kai Sipilä, Chair of Working Group 2 on Conversion, EBTP
1. The CHOREN Sigma Plant
Matthias Rudloff, Business Development Manager, CHOREN Industries GmbH
View Presentation ( 316 Kb PDF)
2. The BTL demonstration project of Neste Oil / Stora Enso
Steven Gust, Senior Associate, Neste Oil
View Presentation ( 723 Kb PDF)
3. UPM Biofuels development and pilot projects
Hans Sohlström, Executive Vice President, UPM
View Presentation ( 179 Kb PDF)
4. The Bio-DME project
Patrik Löwnertz, VP Marketing and Sales, Chemrec
View Presentation ( 1.4 Mb PDF)
Moderator: Harri Turpeinen, Chair of Working Group 3 on End-use and Co-chair of Working Group 6 on Prioritisation, EBTP
1. Combining industrial scale biosynfuel production with economic biomass logistics:
The bioliq® process of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in co-operation with Air Liquide / Lurgi
View Presentation ( 164 kb PDF)
Nicolaus Dahmen, bioliq® Project Coordinator, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology -KIT
Armin Guenther, Air Liquide / Lurgi GmbH
2. The FUTUROL project on 2nd generation Ethanol
Pierre Porot, Institut Français du Pétrole, IFP
View Presentation ( 74 Kb PDF)
3. Demonstration of 2nd Generation Biofuels in Denmark
Michael Persson, Inbicon
View Presentation ( 743 kb PDF)
4. St1 Biofuels – small scale demonstration on bioethanol from biowaste
Mika Anttonen, St1 Biofuels
View Presentation (417 Kb PDF)
5. Overview of Pilot and Demonstration Activities
in the USA
Anders Lau Tuxen, Novozymes
View Presentation ( 1.4 Mb PDF)
Moderator: Olivier Appert, Member of the Steering Committee (SC), EBTP
1. Overview of Member States funding schemes
Tomas Kåberger, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency (STEM)
View Presentation ( 524 Kb PDF)
2. Private Equity funding of advanced biofuels technologies: a European and North American outlook:
Harry Boyle, New Energy Finance
View Presentation ( 271 Kb PDF)
Véronique Hervouet, Chair of Steering Committee (SC), EBTP
A number of posters were displayed during the coffee and lunch breaks. Full presentations for each poster are available below.
SNG production from woody biomass
Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI
View Poster ( 259 Kb PDF)
Mapping of 2nd generation biofuels demonstration plants
IEA Bioenergy Task 39
View Poster ( 525 Kb PDF)
The Alfa-Bird Project
EU-Vri, Project coordinator
View Poster ( 164 Kb PDF)
The GAYA project: Demonstration plants on gasification for biomethane production
GDF Suez
View Poster ( 490 Kb PDF)
GoBiGas Project
Gothenburg Energy
View Poster ( 315 Kb PDF)
PERSEO - lignocellulosic ethanol from MSW
View Presentation ( 367 Kb PDF)
View Poster ( 291 Kb PDF)
ATENEA - lignocellulosic ethanol from citrus waste
View Presentation ( 716 Kb PDF)
View Poster ( 207 Kb PDF)
View Poster ( 207 Kb JPEG)
The ECN/HVC project for BioSNG
View Poster ( 1.2 Mb PDF)